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Construction Progress Inspections

Drone Technology and Construction Progress Inspections

Many companies are now using drones for construction inspections. When used for construction progress inspections, drones are able to save both time and money. But that doesn't mean they're always best-suited to every job. Drones are often best used in conjunction with human progress inspections and reports, working in tandem with them and ensuring that everything is working properly at every step.

Drones for Construction Inspections

Drones are small, unmanned vehicles that can maneuver and hover over nearly any terrain. When used for inspections, they often use a combination of video and sensors, to identify potential problems. Drones can scan territory and compare it to the plans, to make sure that everything is going to plan. Drones can also look for things like heat signatures, to identify potentially dangerous or hazardous areas. Drones require a human operator but that operator doesn't have to physically walk across the construction area, lowering risk.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Drones

The advantage of drones is that they are fast and that there's no risk to the human operator. They can get into areas that could otherwise be dangerous, such as unfinished areas of a construction site. But the disadvantage is that they aren't actually on the ground and consequently could miss some things. They may not be able to notice things a human would who is walking through the site, and they are often more expensive than someone walking.

With or without drones, construction progress inspections are important. With drones, you can cover large amounts of ground quickly and without risk to human inspectors. But human inspectors can still catch a lot of smaller things that drones might miss. For more information about construction inspections, contact GD Harley Architects.

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